The sun rose, time to leave for college.. yet another day..
As they got off in front of college, the auto-guy asked them about the strike.
"What strike?" asked Ringo, mystified.
Singo looked at her, then pointed to the wall...
"That strike!" she groaned.
"Now what do we do?? This means no classes, and I'm definitely Not planning to waste this splendid day slogging in the library!" declared Ringo.
"Oh, I know," said Singo..."Let's go to the bank, I need to withdraw some money."
"Ummm... Ok..." Ringo didn't sound too convinced, but Singo wasn't listening...
Suddenly Singo squealed! "Oh my!!!!!"
Ringo nearly bumped into the suddenly immobile Singo, before she realised that the cause of the commotion was the friendly-neighbourhood doggie!
"No, doggie-dog, there's no food for you today, so let go
Somehow they convinced doggie-dog, and ran to the bus-stop.
Even as they reached and began the whole process of securing an auto and then haggling over the fare of the journey, the weather began to change subtly...
"Umm.... Ringo, do you think those are rain clouds on the horizon?" asked the perceptive Singo.
"Oh, No, it can't possibly be!! No, I refuse to pay twenty rupees.. it doesn't even come to fifteen!!" That of course, was multi-tasking Ringo, answering Singo and haggling in the same breath.
Suddenly, their deliberations were cut short by a big fat drop of rain falling right on the tip of Ringo's nose! SPLAT!
As they ran for cover, Singo's brand new phone rang.. RING, RING!!
It was Sammy! "Hey, the weather is beautiful, want to meet at our favourite Coffee Shop and thrash out the latest events in our lives? I have a little surprise for you!"
Of course this sounded like the perfect way to spend the day, and so they agreed.
Strangely, just then,
Their day of unexpected surprises was not over yet, however!
For who should they see waiting for them outside the Coffee Shop, but Pammy!! That, of course had been Sammy's little surprise.
After hugging each other as though they hadn't met for years, the four decided to get down to the business of eating, drinking, and gossiping to their hearts content.
As Sammy and Ringo posed for pictures, Singo went ahead and ordered food.
With all that good food safely inside them, it was time for serious work.. or serious talk, we might say... except that their serious talk involved a lot of laughing!!
But they soon realised that much as they were enjoying this outing, the amount of things they needed to talk about was immense, and it was decided that Ringo's room in teh hostel was the best place to go.
"Hey, Singo, have you got my wallet?" asked Ringo.
"Your wallet? Nope.. You had it, remember, when we had gone to the ATM.." Singo looked puzzled.
Pammy looked under the table, while Sammy and Ringo looked through her bag once more
"Oh no!! This can't be happening! How am I going to pay for all this food I just ate!?!" Ringo was really distressed.
Suddenly, Pammy emerged with the wallet! They checked to see if the money was still there(which it was!) and then paid and left before anything else could possibly get misplaced.
Pammy had to leave for work, though, so they promised to call and tell her all the good stuff she would miss.
They stopped on the way to pick up some Desi-Chi
Soon they were comfortably settled in bed, and continued discussing 'matters-of-immense-importance' till rather late.
And with that, I shall end this story, with Ringo, Singo and Sammy deep in happy conversation, while Pammy slogs in office, far away from the other three (but close to their hearts and ever present in their minds, of course!)