Then there are people. Of course, people are contrary by definition. The only reason some people are around you is so that they can do their bit in irritating you out of your mind. And however well you may plan your day and your life, you can count on people to behave contrarily and ruin all your plans. Your perfect day has every chance of being marred by people who don't think anyone has a right to the 'perfect day', who perhaps believe that 'perfect days' shouldn't be allowed, that they make people too happy for their liking. I dislike having people around me who frown upon happiness. I dislike having to deal with people who are so grim that they make you lose your pleasure in life. They are real life dementors, and they don't think about it long enough to realise it.
Everyone has this life as an opportunity to share love. Instead, some people frown upon love, even though they may be benefitting from it immensely. People are contrary. They are beyond one's control. The only control you have is over yourself. You can choose to make yourself happy and you can choose to create love. You can choose to live Now in this beautiful moment and maybe that way your plans won't get scuttled, because the only plan is for this very moment.