I'm lost, what shall I do?
Do? Why, keep walking, thats what we all do.
But what if you fell?
There is no lower we can get;
There is nowhere for us to fall to!
Look, oh, look! See, there's light!
What, can you even see at that height?
But it may be shelter, it may be warm
They may take us in, feed us...
Ha! Feed a vagabond? Yeah right!
Oh, slow down! We're so lost, why the hurry?
You're lost, follow me, else you'll be sorry!
You are as blind as I, this is a grey world
I shan't let you lead, I am as able as you!
Do as you will, then, and don't expect me to worry.
The silence stifles me, won't you speak at all?
Humph. I knew you would have to call.
Come, then, we shall talk and walk.
So where do we go, have you a clue?
We'll let the string unravel the ball!
The mist has left you Crazed!
What rot, it is you who are amazed!
What string do you hold, then, mad person?
Ah, let it be, you are after all a dolt!
Dolt or not, let us move, unless you want to be dog-chased.
What is that sound?
It must be.. water? Is that what we've found?
Oh no, you've lost all reason!
We've walked through water all this while
In fact, we've all but drowned!
Oh do stop it!
You're contrary and rude
Bossy and perverse
Ha! is that how it is?
And how polite are you?
Yes, yes, random poem. Just got written for no particular reason!