Thursday, August 28, 2008

Peace, Inside

And suddenly, the storm
has stopped raging as fiercely
The noise within isn't nearly
as deafening as it was
Such a clear thought
Such a simple feeling
But bigger and stronger
Than the chaos of weeks!
An inner pool of peace,
Roots strong and deep
Sprung from the same source
And all will be well!

Monday, August 25, 2008


It was so green!!!

This has been a very strange time for me. This whole year has been strange actually, but some parts of it have been stranger than the rest, and then again, some parts have been strange in strange ways. The absolute unsettle of the last month especially, has been troublesome. Sometimes, it feels like things are not so bad, it doesn't matter so much after all, it's just a little bobble on an otherwise smooth texture, etc., etc.. Then again, I wonder if I'm just being stupid.

Friday, August 22, 2008


I'm lost, what shall I do?
 Do? Why, keep walking, thats what we all do.
But what if you fell? 
 There is no lower we can get;
 There is nowhere for us to fall to!

Look, oh, look! See, there's light!
 What, can you even see at that height?
But it may be shelter, it may be warm
They may take us in, feed us...
 Ha! Feed a vagabond? Yeah right!

Oh, slow down! We're so lost, why the hurry?
 You're lost, follow me, else you'll be sorry!
You are as blind as I, this is a grey world
I shan't let you lead, I am as able as you!
 Do as you will, then, and don't expect me to worry.

The silence stifles me, won't you speak at all?
 Humph. I knew you would have to call.
 Come, then, we shall talk and walk.
So where do we go, have you a clue?
 We'll let the string unravel the ball!

The mist has left you Crazed!
 What rot, it is you who are amazed!
What string do you hold, then, mad person?
Ah, let it be, you are after all a dolt!
 Dolt or not, let us move, unless you want to be dog-chased.

What is that sound?
It must be.. water? Is that what we've found?
 Oh no, you've lost all reason!
 We've walked through water all this while
 In fact, we've all but drowned!

Oh do stop it!
You're contrary and rude
Bossy and perverse
 Ha! is that how it is?
 And how polite are you?

Yes, yes, random poem. Just got written for no particular reason!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

So Blue

I was so fascinated
I took a step forward, and another
And never even knew, unthinking

It had such a rich colour
And then the hues would change...
Even as I watched, unblinking

It swallowed me up, I knew not when
And suddenly I awoke

I was changed, I was tinted!
Then it cast me away, just in time to see
How beautiful the colour was for me

It was a rainbow, and it was all the same
Within me, around you
It was all so Blue

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Sometimes, being accessible to others makes one inaccessible to oneself.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

a year later...

In the one year since you left us, we have constantly felt your presence with us, guiding us, helping us through our most trying times, and though we miss you so much, we believe you must be following your habit of doing good to others even in heaven! Love you!

[Recently, there had been talk of putting up one of those 'in remembrance' things for nani in the Koshur Samachar. Being the youngest, the job of drafting a fitting tribute fell into my lap. However, as we needed something somewhat solemn, I really didn't have much chance of writing something suitable! Ultimately, a rather touching poem was chosen and it all came out quite nicely, I believe. For this space, I'm putting up my tribute to the memory of an adorable person.]

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What a strange morning

What a strange morning. At about six or so, I was sleeping and rather enjoying it; I can't remember the dream anymore, but I remember that it was one of those highly entertaining ones, with action, suspense, and some human interest thrown in.

It was cut short, however, by an awful scream and the sound of what sounded like the contents of our entire crockery cupboard crashing to the floor from a height. I don't even know how, but the next thing I knew was that I had swooshed out of bed and into the kitchen, with my wits hastily but rather well gathered.

And what do I see, but dad, standing in the middle of a mess! He was just standing there, all the spoons and forks and things were strewn across the kitchen floor, there were tea-leaves, dry and wet, on the counter, the floor, even at the other end of the room!! I asked him rather calmly if he'd managed to spill the tea, and as he turned I realized he'd dropped most of it onto himself! I convinced him that slipping and dropping tea were issues we could discuss at length after he'd figured out how badly the tea had burnt him!!

So there we were, with a nice long stretch of leg turning a very bright shade of red... while I cleaned up most of the mess, mom sat and healed the burn, so that by the time I strolled in to check on dad, I found that there was only one spot near the knee which was still red. Even before I could ask what he was doing waking me up with blood-curdling screams, I had been dispatched back to the kitchen to make some tea!!!

Then mom had to get ready to go to school, so she told me to continue healing dad, so I did, but after a few minutes it really hurt my hands, which is strange. Ultimately I decided that all dad needed was me to sleep beside him, and he'd be ok :D

I woke up after a nice hour and half, where I'd dreamt that someone was healing me and sure enough, my hands now felt fine again! I was just admiring how delightful I looked despite all the distressing activity of the morning, when dad started jumping around again, talking of nothing but breakfast... the upshot of it being that there was no bread, so shouldn't we get some!

Since it had started raining I told him I'd run down and get whatever it was that he wanted. And then I walked to the shop, with the rain really coming down like it meant business, and I splashed through as many puddles as I could find. And now that we've had cheesey-toast for breakfast, watched a random TV show, and sent the maid away, I think I shall go back to sleep for an hour or so!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


A sea on earth, another high in the sky
And look, we cruise along...
The upper crust of the upper ocean!

Soft piles of clouds outside, glistening white and wonderfully soft and clean!
They go on and on, carelessly tossed around...