Tuesday, April 27, 2010


So when did this happen?
When did delight turn right around
How came irritation in its place
Or is this a new way you've found
To denigrate a pure emotion
And believe the noise around?
How come you care
About some stares
some random opinion or gossip
Why are they so important to you
that you rant you rave you shout
For something simple that they don't get
But hey,
neither do you, now.


Sim said...

Its much too hot hot hot
In fact very much
You feel like in a pot
We can say as such
Brings out the worst
In each of us
When we have the thirst

ninkita said...

hehe... yay!! you wrote a poem!! you know i wrote it cause i was so angry, but i'm not that bothered any more!