Thursday, November 27, 2008

Nothing in particular

Five minutes to go... I've already gone around telling everyone that we aren't allowed to work after 5.15, and that they must shut down the comp immediately. They seemed to find that amusing, but sounded happy about it too. That's what office does to you, I guess!

Today I was sick and tired and sad and silent inside, but not particularly dissatisfied or 'itchy,' so to say. This inner silence is nice, of course... much nicer than the kind of storms that come with mood swingsy baggage. But it isn't a pleasant silence, so it isn't something I'd like to cultivate.

Ok, time's up
It's time to go
It'll be dark and bleak
And a cold wind will blow
Till I reach home
And I'll be warm again
But how do I warm
The silence within??


Sim said...

you drink hot chocolate! :P
but oh you don't have milk, so maybe just some hot water, with honey and lemon! and of course lots of hugs!muah!

heh? ok said...


ninkita said...

hug you both!!!!!!

The Unpaid Analyst said...

5:15!!! Oh my lord..thats when u get to leave?? lucky guys u all are..mine is 6..never left office at 6 though

ninkita said...

@nikhil.. nono, its supposed to be 5.30, but why would anyone work the last fifteen mins? (somehow everyone does, but still...)And anyhow, i quit!

The Unpaid Analyst said...

last 15 mins u do more work combined than in all the 8 hrs one is in quit?? planning on dropping the bomb on my managers somewhere arnd april..may..might ask my mom to see the jantri and decide on a date :D...hehe even parents dont knw..Will just quit mid project :P