I first saw this tree almost two years ago, when I first came to JNU. It happens to be situated right outside my centre.. (CHS.. Centre for Historical Studies.. then, as now, I found the name somehow hilarious)
That year, it was beautiful. It had those lovely fringe-like leaves and splashy reddish-orange-ish flowers that Gulmohars do have. It was also the year of Helicopter.. the little doggie with the tail that whirred instead of wagging.
That winter, however, many things changed. When winter term began in January, the tree was bare, and even as fresh green leaves and buds appeared on the trees all around, this one remained dark and bare.
Of little Helicopter there was no sign. Instead, there were new puppies... Manto and Momma-dog had been busy, and the result were these three.. Sadat, Hassan, and dumbsicle(little problems creep up with nomenclature you see.. it was to be Sadat, Hassan and Manto, but Manto was the dad... then there was the fact that we also called them Dumbsicle and Pupsicle.. but again, had no third form of the same..)
A year later, and still no leaves. Still dark and stark and all of that, but not that wonderful verdant beauty. The happy family of doggies also had to face trying times.. Manto has relocated, while Momma-dog hangs out with her kids, and occasionally flirts with arbit new-dogs-on-the-block.